26 November 1942 at 14:50:
The German troop ship D/S «Donau» leaves the dock with 529 Norwegian Jews on board. The final destination for them is the concentration camp Auschwitz in Poland. Only 34 of the total of 773 deported Norwegian Jews returned to Norway alive.

Destinies of War is the English version of actor, author and artist Ross Kolby’s WWII walk Krigens skjebner at Akershus Fortress.
The performance in English is only available as a prebooked event for exclusive groups.
The performance lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Kolby takes the audience on a tour of seven stops around Akershus Fortress and brings these central wartime events to life – where they happened. The events are seen through the eyes of a person who experienced them.
Democracies around the world are now being challenged in a way we have not seen since World War II – with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 as a new, serious example. The violent storming of the Congress in Brazil on 8 January 2023 and the Congress in USA on 7 January 2021 also shows the pressure our democracies are under.
We must never take a free society for granted, but cherish it every day. That is why awareness of and knowledge of our history is important.
We must never forget that in the recent past Norway was an occupied dictatorship. With Destinies of War author Kolby brings this era to life. He tells about the price the Norwegian people paid when their democracy fell, and the fight they waged to become a free country again.
You may book an exclusive performance of Destinies of War by sending us an email on post@krigensskjebner.no.
The Royal Family has just set foot on Norwegian soil for the first time since fleeing from the Nazi troops in 1940. King Haakon VII will soon address a crowd of almost 400,000 people.
Reserve Battalion Holmestrand parades in honor of Minister President Vidkun Quisling.
Germany has capitulated unconditionally, and Milorg Ensign Terje Rollem takes over Akershus Fortress from Wehrmacht Major Josef Nichterlein. Now more than 350,000 German soldiers and officers are to leave a war-torn Norway and return to a bombed out Germany.


Støttet av Oslo kommune, Kulturetaten, og Gunnar Sønstebys Minnefond.
Utviklet med faglig bistand fra Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum og HL-Senteret.